Question Item-Banking
Question Item-Banking
Build tests faster and easily re-use your assets with a secure and comprehensive item-banking system
We support assessment development teams moving to an online question item-banking system
Many assessment providers are considering adopting question item-banking to get more value out of their assessments and make it easier to meet their publishing deadlines. When done right, it’s great way to scale-up test production and futureproof your organisation. We help test developers to get more value out of their assets and streamline their authoring with a secure and user-friendly question item-banking system, which saves them the trouble of building their own system.
Your testing strategy could benefit from item-banking if…
- You spend a huge amount of time and energy getting tests ready to go, only for them to be used once and never looked at again.
- You can’t easily create practice papers or low-stakes practice versions of papers for candidates.
- When you do re-use content, you aren’t sure where and when it was used before.
- Your production deadlines are tight and your external contributors can't always produce whole papers fast enough.
- Un-used items that were of a good standard often remain un-used.
- Your saved questions are kept in a non-standard format, so searching for past items is time consuming.
GradeMaker Pro gives you...
- An unlimited storage capacity for all your questions.
- Strong security systems with rigorously tested infrastructure and two-factor authentication.
- A wealth of metrics stored with every item, allowing you to automatically construct customised exam papers in minutes.
- Ability to import performance data and add anchor items in your tests.
- A powerful advanced search tool, so you can identify the best items for use based on criteria such as:

- Subject
- Qualification
- Syllabus
- Item type
- Bloom's Taxonomy
- Facility
- Discrimination
- Pre-test status
- Usage history
- Marks
- Anchor items
- Assets
- Standard Deviation
- Skew
- Kurtosis
These are just some of the ways we help test creators to build the best papers possible. In GradeMaker Pro you can also define custom metrics, on top of all these options, for tagging questions.
Watch this 5 minute video on Item Banking and Meta Data. See how you can more quickly and accurately record, manage, and use test meta data using our assessment building tools.
There is an easier way to store and organise your questions. We make item-banking work for you.
As a test developer using GradeMaker, you will:
- Be able to establish a more flexible authoring process, where contributors can submit individual questions year round.
- Be in complete control of all your item content and extract real value from it long term.
- Be able to easily save, organise and search all questions and their accompanying assets.
- Execute your organisation’s IRT-based quality model by adding pre-test data and anchor items.
- Be confident that your questions are secure, with nothing confidential being worked on outside your approved system.
- Construct tailored tests from your item bank, ensuring the right students receive the right tests.

Read more

Build or Buy: What’s the best way to establish your item banking software?
If you’re looking to build a bank of assessment items, your first job will be to find a system to manage them in. One which is secure, easy to use and will help you to significantly improve your organisation’s assessment processes.

How to Make the Most of Question Item Banking: Item Banking Masterclass from AlphaPlus
In this free webinar John Winkley and Hannah Rowe share insights into the lessons learned from awarding bodies who have implemented question item banking. They share their decades of experience working closely with test developers, presenting the most critical Dos and Don’ts.

Digital evolution in item banking: Developing high-stakes assessments more efficiently
In this article we summarise why assessment banking is proving a successful approach for high-stakes exam providers. We’ll also explore the latest technological developments and the ways they have helped larger awarding bodies to improve efficiency in the authoring process.
What else can you do with GradeMaker?