Professional Qualification Bodies
Professional Qualification Bodies
For specialised, industry leading institutes providing professional accreditation and CPD
Do you aim to...
- Build strong connections with businesses and be relied upon for CPD.
- Maintain your reputation as a trusted source of certification by ensuring your exams are rigorous, valid and reliable.
- Provide specialised qualifications in one industry and drive-up standards.
- Improve the professional skills of career minded workers who may be just starting out as a graduate or are already well into their career.
- Award qualifications in distinct disciplines at a variety of levels to demonstrate professional progress and capability.
We help Professional Qualification Bodies to modernise and enhance their testing
How GradeMaker supports Professional Qualification Bodies:
- We provide the tools for building rigorous high-stakes professional examinations.
- We make it easier for you to run complex workflows involving multiple authors and reviewers.
- Our advanced publishing tools support your year-round authoring and publishing cycle, so you can be constantly testing candidates without a long typesetting or digital formatting lead time.
- We help you to maintain a consistent standard in the qualifications you offer by ensuring that your exam development process bakes in quality.
What can you do with GradeMaker?
News from the GradeMaker Team
How To Speed Up Exam Typesetting – Without Errors Creeping In
When Automatic Typesetting went live last year, awarding bodies were immediately keen to begin using it to speed up their exam typesetting. Since then, Exam Coordinators and Administrators have been able to use it to reduce their production times.
Easy Paper Composition: Balance your Tests Faster with Digital Authoring
Are you manually calculating the composition of your papers? Does it take a lot of time and effort to make sure you have a well-balanced test? See how our paper composition tools can help you to achieve the perfect paper balance — every time.
5 Ways to Improve Exam Quality at a Time of Digital Transition
Quality will always be the primary consideration when developing high-stakes exams. So at a time of transition from paper to online test delivery, a key challenge will be in ensuring your quality assurance process remains robust as you introduce new workflows, new item types, and new ways of trialling tests.
Documentation in Disarray? Easy Organisation for your Author Guidance
Keeping essential author guidance up-to-date, organised and easy to access can be challenging. Discover the easy way to centralise all your guidance documents and improve the quality and efficiency of your authoring processes with GradeMaker Pro.