Sarah at AQA shares her experiences improving efficiency in the assessment review and approval process by using GradeMaker Pro’s Version Compare tool. At AQA I work with a wide variety of stakeholders across the business and senior associates to manage the end-to-end process of creating question papers and assessment materials. This is from the initial submission of first draft material through to materials being approved for press, ensuring they are delivered on time and error free. When moving to Version Compare, my key aim was to be able to clearly identify what changes had been made between two different iterations of a question […]
customer stories
“An Absolute Game Changer”: Using Version Compare at AQA
Joanne Wilkinson, Assessment Production Lead at AQA shares her experiences overseeing the assessment production process using GradeMaker Pro’s Version Compare tool.
Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council (ZIMSEC)
Zimsec’s aim was to deliver better quality examination content, reduce the risk of leakages and ensure tighter operational control over exam authoring.
They chose GradeMaker Pro because it offered them the flexibility to involve a wide range of contributors in the authoring process, without creating technical barriers to use.
Botswana Examinations Council (BEC)
In the space of just two years, the Botswana Examinations Council has made their test development process much more efficient by moving their authoring online. The Botswana Examinations Council is responsible for the conduct and management of examinations and assessments at general education. They give thousands of primary and secondary students the opportunity to gain important qualifications every year. With the support of GradeMaker technology, BEC has been able to successfully digitize their question paper development process. Within GradeMaker Pro they now manage their entire workflow in one place, ensuring the automated progression of papers, from first draft to final […]
National Centre for External Evaluation of Education (NCEEE)
The National Centre for External Evaluation of Education (NCEEE) is responsible for the conduct of examinations in Croatia. The NCEE is preparing a new examination and looked to the introduction of e-authoring technology to improve working processes, especially during the Covid pandemic. They are also using GradeMaker Pro to drive improvements overall in the quality, security and efficiency of their test development operations.
Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB)
The Independent Schools Examinations Board is best known for producing the Common Entrance exams – taken to enter independent schools in the UK and overseas. The examinations are set by highly qualified and experienced teachers and are seen as the gold standard for assessment at 11+ and 13+. Now in our fifth year, our partnership is very strong and we continue to work together to get the best results.
AQA extends their authoring work with GradeMaker until 2023
We are delighted to announce that AQA, one of the UK’s largest exams publishers, has decided to extend its use of GradeMaker exam authoring software for another two years.
Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)
The CXC provides exams for 16 countries within the Caribbean region. It’s vision is to have a digitally transformed enterprise providing quality, relevant and globally recognised educational services. Working with GradeMaker has enabled CXC to bring its exam authoring online.
Ministry of Education, Guyana
Data is a vital tool for focusing the school improvement effort. Working with GradeMaker, the Ministry of Education in Guyana has introduced a national data portal, bringing new insight to school leaders, regional officials and national planners. Read the full case study
Mauritius Examination Syndicate (MES)
Facing the advent of lockdown measures because of Covid 19, the MES wanted to ensure that the process of setting exams could continue to be able to meet its deadlines whilst also keeping high levels of security and confidentiality. With this situation, they felt that using a reliable online exam authoring technology solution would help them through. Read the full case study